It’s estimated that 415 million people are affected by Rosacea worldwide. A chronic skin disorder, Rosacea is sometimes hereditary and most common in people of English or Scottish descent. It occurs equally in dry and oily skin types. Rosacea causes facial redness and flushing, making it difficult to conceal. It’s basically the sole reason green concealer was invented (green makeup can help to counteract redness, instantly).

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder characterized by redness. Rosacea symptoms also include stinging, itching, flushing and acne-like bumps. It most frequently appears along the nose and cheek area, and can be so severe that it causes swelling (rhinophyma). This results in a bulbous, bumpy skin texture.

Rosacea Symptoms

Rosacea can be a very uncomfortable skin condition to have, affecting facial skin and dermatologists have seen mild to extremely severe cases. In addition to redness, swelling and other symptoms, Rosacea sufferers may also experience swelling and subsequent sagging once the fluid drains. This is usually most apparent in the cheeks. Rosacea can also cause acne-like bumps, like papules (red bumps) and pustules (bumps filled with yellowish, liquid puss), usually resulting from irritated hair follicles. Lovely.

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